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Libros de American Bible Society (2 libros)

La Biblia Financiera-Rvr 1960

Libro La Biblia Financiera-Rvr 1960

God knows the importance of money in our lives, and he knows our need to handle it wisely. He has provided insight for earning, spending, avoiding debt, saving, and living with eternity in mind. Find out what the Bible says about managing money the way God desires. This edition highlights over 2000 verses about stewardship, provision and trust. Features include 1) 40-day Journey 2) Small group discussion guide 3) Highlighted verses in green.

Nuevo Testamento Biblia en Lenguaje Sencillo

Libro Nuevo Testamento Biblia en Lenguaje Sencillo

Version en Lenguaje Sencillo (Simple Language) Each page is in full-color Illustrations CELAM endorsement Font size: 9.5