Nos Vemos, Gladiador

The Time Warp Trio, Joe, Sam and Fred discovers that "When in Rome, you might not really want to do as the Romans do."
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The Time Warp Trio, Joe, Sam and Fred discovers that "When in Rome, you might not really want to do as the Romans do."
Un día, mientras Frank hacía un experimento un poco rarito, un rayo cayó sobre su laboratorio y dio vida a su último invento: ¡los robots Klink y Klank! Aunque no son para nada lo que Frank imaginaba, con su ayuda crear um Motor Antimateria para ganar el Premio de Ciencias de Midville parece chupado. Al menos, hasta su archienemigo T. Edison entra en juego ...
You thought you knew the story of the “The Three Little Pigs”… You thought wrong. In this Spanish translation of the hysterical and clever fracture fairy tale picture book that twists point of view and perspective, young readers will finally hear the other side of the story of “The Three Little Pigs.” “In this humorous story, Alexander T. Wolf tells his own outlandish version of what really happens during his encounter with the three pigs…. Smith's simplistic and wacky illustrations add to the effectiveness of this fractured fairy tale.”—Children’s Literature Here,...
Michael ya sabía que su primer día de colegio no sería fácil. Lo que no sabía es que aquel día empezaría la aventura más alocada de su vida...
The wolf gives his own outlandish version of what really happened when he tangled with the three little pigs.
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