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Libros de T. D. Jakes (6 libros)

Reconstruye tu vida (Reposition Yourself)

Libro Reconstruye tu vida (Reposition Yourself)

En su œltimo libro, Reconstruye tu vida, el exitoso autor T.D. Jakes brinda consejos que ayudar‡n a los lectores a ajustarse a los muchos cambios que la vida trae. ƒste es un llamado a despertar y hacerte cargo de tu vida ÁAhora! Este libro no s—lo aborda las zonas donde la pasividad o incluso las decisiones torpes han ahogado la creatividad del lector, sino que tambiŽn instruye sobre la manera de controlar los cambios y sacarle el m‡ximo de provecho a la vida. ValiŽndose del conocimiento adquirido en m‡s de treinta a–os de ejercer la consejer’a y de trabajar tanto con...


Libro Destino

Remember feeling a pull, sensing a divine guide that was leading you to the right place or person? DESTINY, that inner compass, directs you to fulfillment of your highest purpose. When you reflect on your life, you may be amazed that your greatest moments resulted from circumstances that you did not control or initiate. You were destined! Stepping into your destiny means fulfilling the role you were created to play in life. You thrive and find the great elixir of contentment when you have the courage to pursue your true purpose. Life offers more when destiny is our focus! Our divine purpose...


Libro Quebrantamiento

Follow God's process for growth and find hope in life's darkest moments with Bishop T.D. Jakes's uplifting stories and advice from his own faith journey. In this insightful book, #1 New York Times bestselling author T.D. Jakes wrestles with age-old questions: Why do the righteous suffer? Where is God in all the injustice? Bishop Jakes tells crushing personal stories from his own journey -- the painful experience of learning his young teenage daughter was pregnant, the agony of watching his mother succumb to Alzheimer's, and the shock and helplessness he felt when his son had a heart attack....

Hombre Eres Libre!

Libro Hombre Eres Libre!

Within the pages of this book begins the healing of fathers and sons. God's Word will release the empty, nagging ache of unresolved conflicts, and men will learn how to turn their pressures into power as they bask in the revelation light of God's plan. Available in hardbound or paperback.

Fortal'zcase Para Vencer: Strength to Stand

Libro Fortal'zcase Para Vencer: Strength to Stand

The strength and power of the Holy Spirit always moves freely through those who have no other desire than to share the word of the Lord to hungry people. And make no mistake about it; God has much to say to His people and longs to communicate to the world around us.

El Padre Ama a Sus Hijas

Libro El Padre Ama a Sus Hijas

�Conoce su padre? �Acaso �l la defraud�, dej�ndola desesperada e insegura? El Padre ama a sus hijas explora el amor paternal que Dios tiene por sus hijas. Ofrece sanidad a las mujeres y le brinda aliento a los hombres para impartir el poder del amor en las vidas de sus hijas. Si su coraz�n se alegra cando ve a un padre abazando a su hija, y empieza a extra�ar al padre que no tuvo...an�mese. Su Padre celestial le est� llamando a sentarse en el regazo de su amor.