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Libros de Arte Cubano (3 libros)

States of Exchange

Libro States of Exchange

In "States of Exchange," Cuban artist Gerardo Mosquera characterizes the sudden shift that visual artists in his country underwent in the 1980s: "These artists broke with the official ideology of culture imposed by the Cuban regime throughout the 1970s, rejecting its political and nationalist cliches. They did so spontaneously, without benefit of programs, mission statements or manifestos; they simply stopped taking any notice of government guidelines in order to work as they wished, without constraints." This volume is a first-hand account of the development of the Cuban avant-garde--which...

Ravenet revela a Ravenet

Libro Ravenet revela a Ravenet

Edition dedicated to multifaceted artist Ravenet (b. Spain - d. Cuba) considered an important figure in what is considered the "Historic avant-garde of Cuban plastic arts" and who experimented with multiple art media: canvas and mural painter, sculptor, engraver, illustrator, photographer, designer and ceramist. The book reviews the artist's most intimate moments, his artwork and his political and cultural activism through the eyes of his daughter Mariana.

Imágenes del desvío

Libro Imágenes del desvío

Estudio crítico y analítico sobre las más recientes propuestas artísticas cubanas en torno al tema de la homosexualidad y las variaciones del yo.