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Libros de Ana Maria Machado (4 libros)

La Tortuga Sabia Y El Mono Entrometido

Libro La Tortuga Sabia Y El Mono Entrometido

When the animals cannot decide which is the cleverest, they call on a boy called Curumín to help them settle the matter, and either the turtle or the monkey could be the winner.

Lectura, escuela y creación literaria

Libro Lectura, escuela y creación literaria

La promoción de la lectura en el ámbito escolar, la dictadura de los best-seller, la experiencia del autor frente a los textos de otros o el valor del acto lector son algunos de los temas que Ana María MAchado trata en este libro: un conjunto de textos que reflejan el pensamiento de esta autora e investigadora de literatura infantil y juvenil, con un denominador común: la lectura como única forma de posible de entender y mejorar el mundo.

Misterios del mar océano

Libro Misterios del mar océano

Feeling confined in her quiet shore village and wishing she could be at sea, Cristiana is drawn to an old boat called the "Cristóbal Colón," and uses it as her audience as she retells the story of Columbus and his voyages, mixed with her own life and memories.

MMM Que Rico Esta!

Libro MMM Que Rico Esta!

Enrique and Isabel love to be at their grandmothers house. She prepares them the most delicious meals and desserts, and takes them on a tour through foods, storytelling, and nursery rhymes. The author has chosen the relaxed, caring setting of Grandmas house to delve into fantasy: a safe place where children can play, make believe, and enjoy the sound of words.