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Libros de John W. Slocum (2 libros)

Comportamiento Organizacional (Spanish Translation of Organizational Behavior, 8e [0-538-88024-4])

Libro Comportamiento Organizacional (Spanish Translation of Organizational Behavior, 8e [0-538-88024-4])

Organizational Behavior is designed to help business professionals develop and enhance competencies and skills that are needed to contribute most effectively to the organization. This proven book's strength lies in its classic research and coverage of contemporary topics. It introduces and emphasizes five core competencies--Mobilizing Innovation and Change, Conceptualization, Creativity, Risk Taking, and Visioning. It enables the promotion of effective organizational behavior, the bedrock on which all productive organizational actions rests.

Comportamiento organizacional

Libro Comportamiento organizacional

This book defines the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals and groups, act within organizations.