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Alexander Graham Bell 6-Pack

Resumen del Libro

Libro Alexander Graham Bell 6-Pack

Alexander Graham Bell was always trying to invent new things! In this biography that has been translated into Spanish, readers will learn about Alexander's life as a teacher and inventor of such incredible inventions as the telephone, record player, and metal detector. Colorful images, supportive text, an interesting timeline, and a helpful glossary, table of contents, and index combine to give readers an inspiring look into the life of Alexander Bell. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : Destinado a inventar (Called to Invent)

Número de páginas 32



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Alexander Graham Bell (Spanish Version)

Libro Alexander Graham Bell (Spanish Version)

Alexander Graham Bell was always trying to invent new things! In this biography that has been translated into Spanish, readers will learn about Alexander's life as a teacher and inventor of such incredible inventions as the telephone, record player, and metal detector. Colorful images, supportive text, an interesting timeline, and a helpful glossary, table of contents, and index combine to give readers an inspiring look into the life of Alexander Bell.

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