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Libros de John Danen (3 libros)

A. S. X.

Libro A. S. X.

This is a book from the field of seduction to motivate yourself through poems related to this topic. It is a book to gain strength, courage and determination to face the hard battle that is seduction.

Supera la dependencia emocional

Libro Supera la dependencia emocional

Superar la dependencia emocional que nos hacia incurrir en relaciones toxicas nos empodera y hace libres. A través de la observación y experimentación de muchísimas relaciones, he comprendido el funcionamiento de casi cualquier relación amorosa por anormal que parezca. La dependencia emocional se cura con técnicas de pnl que aparecen descritas en esta obra. Superando la dependencia podrás atraer, seducir y conseguir chicas y mujeres. Besar, conquistar, enamorar. En definitiva aprenderás a sargear, ligar y seducir. Si pones estos consejos en practica podrás convertirte poco a poco en...

The life of the shameless and charming seducer

Libro The life of the shameless and charming seducer

The life of the shameless and charming seducer is for my taste the best of lives. A life free of ties, seducing and flowing at your own pace. In this book I tell you how this life is and how you can also carry it out, for this I explain seduction techniques that I use both to flirt, as to take the girls to bed. I analyze real interactions and give the keys to succeed with girls. It is a book to break with everything and become a real seducer.