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Complicated girls

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Libro Complicated girls

Complicated girls exist and are a real problem. Flirting with normal girls is quite easy but when you run into one of these complicated ones it will annoy you a lot. The first thing you have to do is identify it, then try to minimize the damage it causes you And if you can not minimize, eliminate. You go in search of fun and find problems no one is safe. Complicated girls exist and are a real problem. Flirting with normal girls is quite easy but when you run into one of these complicated ones it will annoy you a lot. The first thing you have to do is identify it, then try to minimize the damage it causes you And if you can not minimize, eliminate. You go in search of fun and find problems no one is safe. You fall entangled in these traps. In this book I propose a series of actions that allow you to get out of these toxic relationships. Thanks to the experience that I have captured here you will learn to: Seduce difficult women. Transform your current self into your ideal self. Have charisma and magnetism. Neuro-linguistic programming. Attract girls with your mere presence. Know how to successfully enter girls. Be attractive. make yourself respected, respect yourself. Be independent. Improve your social skills. Seduction techniques. Become a master in seduction. Be seductive, attract girls. With it you will be able to attract, seduce and get girls and women. Kiss, conquer, fall in love. In short, you will learn to sargear, flirt and seduce. If you put these tips into practice you can gradually become seductive.

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Número de páginas 61



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