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Diary of a Guerrilla

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Libro Diary of a Guerrilla

As a young man, Ramon Perez aka Tianguis interrupted his studies and elisted in a burgeoning guerrilla movement to reclaim his people to ancestral communal lands in the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico. From the grassroots organizing conducted by the peasants to the power of regional and national politicians to enforce their social order with pistoleros -- through Tianguis' unwavering account we experience the struggle and its consequences. The pursuit of Guiero Medrano -- and of Tianguis and his friends -- is unremitting; there is no escape as they flee through the forests, small towns, and big-city barrios of Mexico. Capture is inevitable.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Número de páginas 170


  • Ramón Tianguis Pérez


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