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Marvel's Avengers

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Libro Marvel's Avengers

Thanos has won. Half of all life in the universe has crumbled to dust. Now, the Avengers must fight the most important battle of their lives. It all comes down to this! Featuring concept art and exclusive interviews, The Art of Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame showcases the work behind one of the biggest blockbusters in movie history and the culmination of 22 interconnected films. Explore page after page of script secrets and production designs that highlight the creativity of Marvel’s talented filmmakers. With intricate concept art, full-color photography from the set and finished film and commentary from the filmmakers, this collectible will delight new and old fans alike. Go behind the scenes of the endgame with this gorgeous collection!

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : Endgame - The Art Of The Movie

Número de páginas 288


  • Eleni Roussos


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