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Pasajes: Literatura

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Libro Pasajes: Literatura

The Pasajes series is one of the most widely used and highly respected programs for intermediate Spanish courses in North America. As in previous editions, Pasajes is a multi-volume component program. Pasajes, Fourth edition, now consists of three volumes -- a review grammar, a cultural reader, and a literary reader -- that are coordinated by theme and by language, chapter by chapter, across all three books. The result is a very flexible program that can be used in any combination and so is easily adapted to suit a wide variety of instructors and courses. In this edition, a number of new pieces of literature have been added to Pasajes: Literatura. In addition, the reading strategies sections have been streamlined so students can still get the essential information but can move on to the readings themselves more quickly. Finally, each chapter of Pasajes: Literatura, Fourth edition includes the new guided writing feature called Papel y la piz.

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