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The Story Circle / El Circulo de Cuentos

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Libro The Story Circle / El Circulo de Cuentos

Monster storms closed the school for three days. ¿Carpets bubbled with mud. Green slime swallowed books.¿ And when the children returned, the new bookshelves in the classroom were empty. ¿What will we do for story circle?¿ they ask. With the kids sitting around her on the new rug, the teacher tells a story about a boy who loved to fly. Afterwards, she asks them what pictures they imagined. Each one sees something different: wings like yellow sunbeams, a pond that looks like a green button and cloud horses running in the blue sky. Soon, all the children are excitedly raising their hands to tell their own stories. Acclaimed children¿s book author Diane Gonzales Bertrand returns with another charming book about the joys of telling stories and using one¿s imagination. The short text combined with fanciful illustrations will spark conversations with children and spur them to write and illustrate their own stories.

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  • Diane Gonzales Betrand


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