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Disciplina Con Amor Para Abuelos: Una Segunda Oportunidad Para Amar

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Libro Disciplina Con Amor Para Abuelos: Una Segunda Oportunidad Para Amar

In a time of great changes in the family dynamic, this book is dedicated to grandparents, whose tendency is to spoil--a word that can have different connotations. When used as an expression of love and unconditional acceptance, it nourishes and strengthens a grandchild's emotional well-being. Spending time with grandparents becomes a treat rather than a chore. But when the spoiling begins to get out of hand, a lack of self-control, no limits when it comes to disrespect, or acting against the wishes of the parents--this type of spoiling is harmful. Grandparents who spoil in this manner contribute to the development of demanding, fussy, rude grandchildren. In a society in which mothers more and more commonly work and grandparents play an increasingly important role in child care, being a grandparent offers a second chance to love in a mature, generous, yet responsible manner.

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Número de páginas 128



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