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Fratricidio Y Contricion

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Libro Fratricidio Y Contricion

Two Sides of the coin' Edward Thomson is a bright young man from a dysfunctional Minnesota family. A Natural athlete and a born leader, who played quarterback in high school football team. Thomson goes to both Columbia University and Harvard law School. While in Harvard Law, he connects with his old Minnesota buddy David Wood. Wood introduces him to a wealthy merchant named John Philip, who takes liking to Thomson. Philip becomes his friend and backer. During his under graduation time at Columbia Thomson also meets his friend Alex as well as his future wife Patricia Quinlan. Upon graduation Thomson returns to Minnesota to work for a prominent law firm and set the stage for his future elected. During the Congressional election, with financial assistance of John Philip and help of his friend David Wood he runs against the incumbent congressman and wins the election in an unprecedented landslide. The new congressman chases women and legislation with the equal intensity. During a junket to California he meets Hollywood film of the minute; Nicole Piccard and they began a long intense affair. Thomson abandons Piccard when he marries Pat. After only four years in Congress, Thomson with encouragement of Wood and Philip runs for presidency and against all arts he gets elected. Once Thomson becomes president, Nicole Piccard, whose movie carrier had sins tanked, begins calling the White House in effort to restart their relationship.This results in major tabloid fodder. Patricia, who had tolerated Edward Thomson's indiscretion up to now, becomes furious and escapes for a respite to France. This jaunt results in a well-publicized affair between the First Lady and an international playboy, all of which adds to the tabloid Frenzy.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : Breve Historia Del Antisemitismo Cristiano

Número de páginas 280


  • Elena Dantas


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