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La Golden Dawn Y Otras Sectas Magicas

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Libro La Golden Dawn Y Otras Sectas Magicas

Ever since the Neolithic revolution, although interpreted in different ways, a belief has remained unchanged in its essence, that someone of a non-human nature instructing men on how to face the multiple challenges that have been raising over time. This is the magical part of what we know as Tradition, and magical because, despite always working, its mechanisms do not seem to correspond to formal logic. That is why, from the cradle of civilization numerous groups of people have associated in one way or another to study of magic. Not the one that entertains, but the one that has been discovering the structure of everything that exists and our relationship with everything supernatural and our own transcendence. From the Hebrew or Christian cabbalists, to current associations such as the Society of the Mist, the New Age or the members of the Wiccan religion, all have been based on the knowledge transmitted by word of mouth, or through very specific books, such as "The Clavicles of Solomon". Of all these groups, the most prestigious for having welcomed famous and recognized members has been the Order of the Golden Dawn or Golden Dawn. In this study we will learn about the different ways in which this part of the magical Tradition of Humanity has been transmitted and understood. «The so-called "hidden issues" need, more than ever, to be treated with a vision that includes rigor, skepticism, culture, respect and, if appropriate, some humor. The impeccable literary career of Juan Ignacio Cuesta demonstrates his eagerness to discover places with deep meanings, as well as hidden secrets and arcane rituals of our past that show how life and history are part of a mystery that surrounds us and fascinates us». Jesus Callejo.

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  • Juan Ignacio Cuesta Millán


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