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LingüÃstica Aplicada

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Libro LingüÃstica Aplicada

* Approach reflects a belief in the value of discourse analysis, pragmatics, and sociolinguistics in the fields of second language acquisition and applied linguistics. * Goal is to train teachers to teach the Spanish language as a communicative system rather than as a set of grammatical rules--therefore it includes relevant information on Spanish pragmatics and sociolinguistics. * Written entirely in Spanish. * Each chapter includes review questions and exercises. * CD-ROM integrates samples of the course material so that the readers can see and hear native speaker examples of aspects of Spanish as they learn about them.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : AdquisiciÃ3n Del Español Como Segunda Lengua

Número de páginas 243


  • Dale A. Koike
  • Carol A. Klee


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