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Parque Nacional de los Volcanes de Hawaii (Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park)

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Libro Parque Nacional de los Volcanes de Hawaii (Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park)

This title will take readers throughout the beautiful Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park on Hawaii Island. Readers will learn the park's size, and the important plants, animals, and natural features that make it unique. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Jumbo is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO. Translated by native Spanish speakers--and immersion school educators.

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Número de páginas 27



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Otros ebooks de Grace Hansen

George Washington (Spanish version)

Libro George Washington (Spanish version)

This title will introduce little readers to the 1st president of the United States, George Washington. Readers will gather basic, biographical information about Washington through easy-to-read, simple text. They'll also love the historical photographs and images, the More Facts section, and bolded glossary terms. Translated by native Spanish speakers. . Aligned to Common Core standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids is a division of ABDO..

Abraham Lincoln

Libro Abraham Lincoln

This title will introduce little readers to the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. Readers will gather basic, biographical information about Lincoln through easy-to-read, simple text. They?ll also love the historical photographs, the More Facts section, and bolded glossary terms. Translated by native Spanish speakers. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.

El diablo espinoso (Thorny Devil)

Libro El diablo espinoso (Thorny Devil)

This title covers basic information about thorny devils, one of Australia's mightiest little reptiles! Information in this title covers a thorny devil's habitat, diet, habits, and more. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Jumbo is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO. Translated by native Spanish speakers--and immersion school educators.

Otros libros relacionados de Juvenil No Ficción

La voluntad enhechizada

Libro La voluntad enhechizada

Poesía celebratoria, muescas liberadas del corazón, tonadas secuenciadas en la videncia de la ciudad y de sus gentes, pero también mirada llena de amor hacia el interior de un espacio vivencialmente sentido, volcada en transparente palabra en la que se ejercita el diestro ceremonial del verso. Emisario de ultramar se proclama el poeta, pero al mismo tiempo entrañado ciudadano de una ciudad única, para el que esas piedras, encajes o relicarios de ámbar fortalecido, son camino hacia lo eterno, espacio maduro para soñar, recinto de secretos en los que la historia se armoniza con el...

El antisemitismo explicado a los jóvenes

Libro El antisemitismo explicado a los jóvenes

¿Por qué los judíos son objeto de un odio particular?¿Cuándo apareció el antisemitismo? ¿Quiénes son los sabios de Sion? ¿Por qué Hitler detestaba a los judíos? ¿Existe un “negocio de la Shoah”? ¿El antisionismo es antisemitismo? Este libro no duda en hacer las preguntas más perturbadoras. Desarma con claridad y tranquilidad las ideas falsas, las trampas y las teorías del complot. Una guía indispensable para comprender las raíces del antisemitismo y reflexionar acerca de su actualidad.

Annie Oakley (Spanish Version)

Libro Annie Oakley (Spanish Version)

Readers will love this exciting biography about the famous cowgirl, Annie Oakley! Through colorful images, helpful text, an accessible glossary and index, and timeline of Annie's life, readers will discover the amazing things that Annie could do with a gun, how she earned the nickname Little Sure Shot, and how she became one of the stars of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show! This book has been translated into Spanish.

¡Supervivencia! Desierto (Survival! Desert) (Spanish Version)

Libro ¡Supervivencia! Desierto (Survival! Desert) (Spanish Version)

Imagine being lost and stranded in the desert. Would you know what to do to survive? This useful Spanish-translated nonfiction title explains the important skills needed to survive in the desert. With helpful diagrams and images, definitions, tips and instructions, informational text, a bibliography, and a list of other helpful websites, readers can be assured that they will learn about the dangers of heat exhaustion, desert plants that could aid in survival, and other helpful tips in order to survive in an emergency.

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