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"Bone-cracking terror from the stygian depths!" Sometimes, the legends are true. When eccentric billionaire Ellis Holloway hires renegade marine biologist Sam Aston to investigate the legend of a monster in a remote Finnish lake, Aston envisions an easy paycheck and a chance to clear his gambling debts. But he gets much more. There is something terrible living beneath the dark waters of Lake Kaarme and it is hungry. As the death toll mounts, Aston faces superstitious locals, a power-hungry police chief, and a benefactor's descent into madness as he races to find the legendary beast of the lake. Adventure, Science Fiction, and Horror converge in the Sam Aston Investigations series by the USA Today Bestselling author of the Dane Maddock Adventures and the Australian Shadows Award winning author of The Roo! Praise for the Sam Aston Investigations! "Everything you'd want from a monster story – great characters, a remote location and a creature with bite! Mixing history and lore with science and action, David Wood and Alan Baxter have penned a thriller that is hard to put down." Jeremy Robinson, author of Island 731 "Bone-cracking terror from the stygian depths! A creature thriller that is both intelligent and visceral. I could hear the Jaws soundtrack playing on repeat, although that might have been my heart pounding." Lee Murray, author of Into the Mist "One of the best, the most thoroughly delightful and satisfying, books that I've read in quite some time. A serious out-of-the-park type of home run hit!" Christine Morgan, The Horror Fiction Review "As Adventure Thrillers go, you can't go wrong with Wood and Baxter!" The Grim Reader "The team who took aquatic terror to new depths are turning their talented attentions to caves deep below the Antarctic ice, where ancient carvings and strange symbols have been found, as well as a potentially invaluable crystalline energy source... it's is part At the Mountains of Madness, part The Thing, part Aliens… it's another summer blockbuster waiting to happen, full speed ahead and damn the special effects budget. Also, no sheep were harmed in the making of this book (that I know of)." Christine Morgan, The Horror Fiction Review "A great adventure story mixed with a creature feature! A book that grabbed my attention early and held on!" Brian's Book Blog "Renegade marine biologist Sam Aston is back for a second outing in what is shaping up to be a must-read aquatic adventure series! Danger and intrigue lurk both above and below in this action-filled, white-knuckle romp with a breathtaking conclusion!" Rick Chesler, author of Sawfish

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Número de páginas 290



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