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Revolution and Human Rights

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Libro Revolution and Human Rights

Content: I. Revolution and Law: H.P. Glenn: Law, Revolution and Rights u M.A. Simon: Must a Revolution Preserve Rights? u C. Wellman: Locke's Right to Revolution Reexamined u W.E. Murnion: Aquinas on Revolution u Shing-I Liu: Menschenrecht, Widerstandsrecht u. Revolution u II. Human Rights and Democracy: A. Mineau: L'origine des droits de l'homme u H. Kochler: Menschenrechtskonformitat demokrat. Systeme u M. Scheinin: Legal Protection of Human Rights and Different Conceptions of Democracy u J.F. Doyle: Fulfilling Revolutionary Promises u N. Lopez-Calera: Naturaleza dialectica de los derechos humanos u J. Wetlesen: Inherent Dignity as a Ground of Human Rights u M.-R. Ollila: Virtue Ethics and Violations of Human Rights u P. Duran y Lalaguna: Human Rights in Democratic Society u C.B. Gray: Fraternity and Nonobstante u III. Human Rights and International Law: A. Bragyova: Is it Possible to Base Human Rights on Internaional Law? u L. Lukaszuk: The Concept of Protection of Human and Civic Rights According to the Principles and Rules of Both the International and Constitutional Law u A.N. Georgiadou: Les droits fondamentaux en droit communautaire u IV. Human Rights and Socialism: K.A. Mollnau: Entwicklungsdenken in der Rechtswissenschaft u W. Sokolewicz: Constitutionality as a Precondition of the Rule of Law u R. Wieruszewski: The Principle of Interrelation Between Human Rights and Duties u P.D. Swan: The Contributions of J. Habermas and C. Lefort u A. Lopatka: Revolution and Socialist Renewal in Poland u M. Samu: The Connection Between Human Rights and Democracy u D.J. Galligan: The Foundations of Due Process in Socialism u R. Bellamy: Liberal Rights and Socialist Goals . (Franz Steiner 1990)

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Subtitulo : Proceeding of the 14th IVR World Congress in Edinburgh, August 1989

Número de páginas 266


  • International Association For Philosophy Of Law And Social Philosophy. World Congress


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