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501 Spanish Verbs

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Libro 501 Spanish Verbs

Choose Barron’s for language learning--a trusted resource for over 50 years! This brand-new edition of 501 Spanish Verbs provides language learners with fingertip access to a carefully curated selection of the 501 most common Spanish verbs--in all tenses and moods! Each verb is listed alphabetically in chart form—one verb per page along with its English translation. Follow the clear, concise instruction, then take your language fluency to the next level with an all-new online activity center. This comprehensive guide also includes: Lists of synonyms, antonyms, idioms, and usage examples for every verb A concise grammar review for easy reference The popular 55 Essential Verbs feature, with an in-depth look at usage and formation for the trickiest Spanish verbs Over 2,300 additional verbs conjugated like the 501 models Online content includes: Audio program modeling native speaker rhythms and pronunciation Listening comprehension Four practice quizzes with automated scoring and answers

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Número de páginas 704


  • Christopher Kendris
  • Theodore Kendris


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