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Animales del desierto en peligro (Endangered Animals of the Desert) 6-Pack

Resumen del Libro

Libro Animales del desierto en peligro (Endangered Animals of the Desert) 6-Pack

Many desert animals around the world are in danger of becoming extinct. In this enlightening, Spanish-translated nonfiction title, readers will learn a few of the causes of extinction in the desert and what problems extinction causes for animals, wildlife, and humans alike. Through vibrant photos of beautiful animals and stunning facts in conjunction with informational text and useful charts and diagrams, readers will learn and understand concepts such as habit loss and learn ways that animal activists help to protect animals and their environments, as well as helpful tips to get involved in conserving biodiversity. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : Challenging Plus

Número de páginas 64



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19 Valoraciones Totales

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