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Comer Para Correr: Consejos y Recetas Para Hacer Sencilla La Vida del Corredor Amateur

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Libro Comer Para Correr: Consejos y Recetas Para Hacer Sencilla La Vida del Corredor Amateur

It's not easy to balance daily life—work, family, and social events—with proper exercise and nutrition, but this guide offers tools to make it a less harrowing task. The book advocates the combination of running and developing healthy eating habits to achieve that for which many people strive on a daily basis: the healthiest lifestyle possible. Clear nutritional guidelines, healthy strategies, and simple recipes are provided to aid in eating well to go along with a running regimen. Readers learn what foods are most beneficial to amateur runners and how to put their plans for proper eating into practice.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Número de páginas 192


  • Mariona Gummà
  • Mariona Gumma Bertran


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