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Libro Kirchner

The self-appointed “leader” of the artists’ group Die Brücke (Bridge), founded in Dresden in 1905, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner was a key figure in the early development of German Expressionism. His first works show the influence of Impressionism, Post-impressionism and Jugendstil, but by about 1909, Kirchner was painting in a distinctive, expressive manner with bold, loose brushwork, vibrant and non-naturalistic colours and heightened gestures. He worked in the studio from sketches made very rapidly from life, often from moving figures, from scenes of life out in the city or from the Die Brücke group’s trips to the countryside. A little later he began making roughly-hewn sculptures from single blocks of wood. Around the time of his move to Berlin, in 1912, Kirchner’s style in both painting and his prolific graphic works became more angular, characterized by jagged lines, slender, attenuated forms and often, a greater sense of nervousness. These features can be seen to most powerful effect in his Berlin street scenes. With the outbreak of the First World War, Kirchner became physically weak and prone to anxiety. Conscripted, he was deeply traumatised by his brief experience of military training during the First World War. From 1917 until his death by suicide in 1938, he lived a reclusive, though artistically productive life in the tranquillity of the Swiss Alps, near Davos.

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Número de páginas 256



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22 Valoraciones Totales

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Libro Velázquez

Az e-könyv a Kossuth Kiadó által nyomtatásban megjelentetett nagysikerű Világhíres festők című sorozat azonos című kötetének szöveganyagát tartalmazza, az illusztrációk nélkül. Velázquezt az utókor a XVII. század egyik legnagyobb festőjeként tiszteli. A klasszicista irányzat (Poussin) és a barokk stílus (Rubens) mellett Velázquez korában feltétlenül egyfajta „realista” áramlatot képviselt. Már legkorábbi képein is megfigyelhető a mindennapi élet részletei iránti érdeklődés és páratlan érzéke azok megörökítésére valamennyi műfajban,...

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Inglés sin vergüenza: Business & Work

Libro Inglés sin vergüenza: Business & Work

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The Artist as Producer

Libro The Artist as Producer

"The Artist as Producer confronts the problem of making a politics with art. Gough's balanced rigor in mining obscure archives on the one hand, while performing brilliant readings of recalcitrant artworks on the other gives her account of Constructivism's utopian promise and less-than-utopian outcome great texture. She has produced something very rare: an art-historical study that not only adds to our knowledge but captures the intense poignancy of modern art's serious ambition to undertake a revolution of—and with—form."—David Joselit, Professor, History of Art, Yale University "To see ...

La fortaleza del dragón

Libro La fortaleza del dragón

El Multiverso está conformado por una infinidad de diferentes dimensiones, cada una protegida por su respectivo guardián. Un joven es condenado a morir y renacer en diferentes épocas y en diferentes dimensiones por toda la eternidad. Conforme cumple su condena, su destino se entrelaza con el del Multiverso en el que habita. Éste es el comienzo de su travesía. Cuando el Jeath abrió los ojos lo primero que vio fueron las fauces de un dragón que intentaba devorarlo, en ese mismo instante apareció de la nada un naipe de color negro que le salvó la vida. Lo último que recordaba antes de...

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