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The Presbyterian Ruling Elder, Spanish Edition

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Libro The Presbyterian Ruling Elder, Spanish Edition

Updated 2022 EditionThis accessible resource on the Presbyterian ruling elder is especially designed for those considering becoming ruling elders and those who have been elected to this ordered ministry. It explains the meaning of the term “ruling elder†and the qualifications and duties of this ministry. The book goes on to explore the relationship of ruling elders to other elders, the role of the ruling elder on session and in the presbytery, and the relationships to pastors and to the whole church. Fully revised based on the new Form of Government of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), this book is invaluable for new ruling elders preparing for their role.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : An Essential Guide, Revised for the New Form of Government

Número de páginas 85


  • Paul S. Wright


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