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Traducción, Competencia Plurilingüe Y Español Como Lengua de Herencia (ELH)

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Libro Traducción, Competencia Plurilingüe Y Español Como Lengua de Herencia (ELH)

"Traducciâon, competencia plurilingèue y espaänol como lengua de herencia (ELH) explores the connections between Spanish heritage language (SHL) education and translation competence. The volume identifies strategies to represent the linguistic experiences and practices of SHL students in the context of professional translation and interpreting training. Based on an empirical study with undergraduate students, this monograph provides insight on how to develop translation skills in three ways: as a plurilingual strategy, a pedagogical activity, and a professional skill. Because of its introductory nature, this book is of particular interest to SHL teachers and researchers seeking to systematically integrate translation practice into their teaching. Likewise, teachers of translation and interpreting who wish to learn how to enhance mediation as a learning component in translation and interpreting skills will find numerous suggestions on how to do so in this volume"--

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Número de páginas 192


  • Laura Gasca Jiménez


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