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Va Ya Con Dios!

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Libro Va Ya Con Dios!

This book is about my life but honestly that is not what the reader cares about The main interest would depend upon what one gets out of it? Therefore I am writing some wise words of great masters which actually played vital rolls in my checkered life I hope my grandkids and/or readers would learn from my knocks in life, and how I overcame my nerve wrecking and dilapidating days of my scuffle with Lady death on more than two occasions. I am thankful to Lady Luck plus my attitude, and character built at childhood. Remember we have two ears and one mouth, use them as such. Guard your tongue, for it is highly dangerous. Unguarded words can cause terrible distress. A wound caused by fire can eventually heal, but scar caused by tongue never does I must neither take failures to my heart or successes to my head. Other ideas you can take away from this little book can be: Slow and Steady is won the race. Overconfidence leads to inaction and defeat. Don't postpone to tomorrow what you can do today, and do today's chores NOW Do not gamble under the influence of greed, nor fall for tips. TIPS ARE FOR THE WAITERS. Double up the discipline of Perseverance, Persistence, and Professional Patience. We must refuse to be lifted off our feet. A drowning man cannot save another. What lies before us or behind us is small compared to what lies inside us. I wish to live, because life has within it that which is good, beautiful and that is LOVE. IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO RAISE A CHILD.

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