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Yoga Nidra

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Libro Yoga Nidra

A new edition of this acclaimed guide—updated with the most current, research-supported iRest® practices and insights Within you resides an ever-present self that is always whole and healthy, filled with an abiding sense of inner peace, and completely indestructible. This is your true Essence, and no matter what you’ve been through in the past, it is here, waiting to be recognized, embodied, and remembered. In this updated edition of his groundbreaking book Yoga Nidra, yogic scholar and clinical psychologist Dr. Richard Miller invites you to experience iRest®—a research-based approach to the ancient meditative art of Yoga Nidra. While Yoga Nidra is perhaps best known as a practice for deep relaxation and better sleep, at its heart lies a profound path to inner freedom. With practice, we discover that everything we need to find healing, presence, and joy is already within us. With clear instruction, new insights into the deeper roots of well-being, supplemental worksheets, and online audio practices, Miller guides you step-by-step to: • Discover life-changing practices for vibrant health, personal empowerment, and inner transformation • Enjoy complete relaxation and deep sleep—awaken refreshed and full of inspiration • Find healing from trauma, addiction, chronic pain, daily stress, and more • Explore the Vedic roots of Yoga Nidra—we are at once unique individuals and interconnected parts of a greater whole • Access the state of consciousness between waking and sleeping at will and learn to work with your subconscious mind for greater healing and insight • Awaken to your true Essence and the unshakable goodness, health, and joy already within “Wholeness, presence, and indestructible well-being exist innately within us,” teaches Miller. “With Yoga Nidra, we realize that these aren’t qualities to attain down the road—they are gifts to be experienced from the outset of whatever journey we’re on.”

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : The iRest Meditative Practice for Deep Relaxation and Healing

Número de páginas 168


  • Richard Miller


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