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Anne Frank

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Libro Anne Frank

Anne Frank's diary has become one of the most widely read books in the world. Readers will learn about Anne as she went into hiding from the Nazi Party in this Spanish-translated nonfiction title. Through vibrant images, informational text, timelines, and a glossary of terms, readers will discover the hardships Anne and her family went through in order to avoid being sent to a concentration camp. This inspiring biography enables children to look up to Anne and find hope in every situation, just as she did.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : Una luz en la oscuridad

Número de páginas 48



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Neil Armstrong (Spanish Version)

Libro Neil Armstrong (Spanish Version)

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Anne Frank: Una luz en la oscuridad

Libro Anne Frank: Una luz en la oscuridad

Read Along or Enhanced eBook: Anne Frank's diary has become one of the most widely read books in the world. Readers will learn about Anne as she went into hiding from the Nazi Party in this Spanish-translated nonfiction title. Through vibrant images, informational text, timelines, and a glossary of terms, readers will discover the hardships Anne and her family went through in order to avoid being sent to a concentration camp. This inspiring biography enables children to look up to Anne and find hope in every situation, just as she did.

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Libro Vikingos

Los vikingos fueron unos marineros audaces y experimentados que mantuvieron en vilo todas las costas de Europa a lo largo de dos siglos, con sus incursiones en busca de tierras y de riquezas. También fueron buenos comerciantes y el primer pueblo europeo que inauguró la senda de los grandes descubrimientos geográficos. La parte más importante de su legado se conserva en los países escandinavos. Más allá de sus regiones de origen, la principal enseñanza que legaron los vikingos fue su capacidad de lograr grandes gestas con escasos medios materiales, a base sobre todo de arrojo y de...

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