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Las estrellas (Stars)

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Libro Las estrellas (Stars)

Bright stars twinkle in the night sky. Have you looked up into the sky on a clear night and seen these tiny points of light? Did you know that there are many kinds of stars in space? Find out all about them in this Spanish-translated book.

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Número de páginas 32



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Otros ebooks de William B. Rice

Productores y consumidores (Producers and Consumers)

Libro Productores y consumidores (Producers and Consumers)

This nonfiction Spanish book teaches students about producers and consumers, and introduces them to important scientific concepts and vocabulary terms like nutrient cycle, food web and photosynthesis. The intriguing images, detailed diagrams, and stimulating sidebars will keep students connected to the text. The fun lab activity provides a real-world learning experience that supports STEM instruction. Aligned to state and national standards, the leveled text supports differentiation. Keep students reading with this fascinating Spanish book.

Jane Goodall (Spanish Edition)

Libro Jane Goodall (Spanish Edition)

Read Along or Enhanced eBook: Jane Goodall had a passion to learn about animals. Readers will learn all about her adventurous life among chimpanzees and other primates in this inspiring, Spanish-translated nonfiction biographical title. Children will be fascinated by the vibrant images, stimulating facts, and accessible glossary that will assist in vocabulary improvement.

¡Supervivencia! Desierto (Survival! Desert) (Spanish Version)

Libro ¡Supervivencia! Desierto (Survival! Desert) (Spanish Version)

Imagine being lost and stranded in the desert. Would you know what to do to survive? This useful Spanish-translated nonfiction title explains the important skills needed to survive in the desert. With helpful diagrams and images, definitions, tips and instructions, informational text, a bibliography, and a list of other helpful websites, readers can be assured that they will learn about the dangers of heat exhaustion, desert plants that could aid in survival, and other helpful tips in order to survive in an emergency.

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¿Qué haces con una voz así? (What Do You Do with a Voice Like That?)

Libro ¿Qué haces con una voz así? (What Do You Do with a Voice Like That?)

¡Ahora disponible en edición español! La congresista Bárbara Jordan tenía una voz grande, potente, y segura – ¡y sabía como usarlo! Aprenda sobre su carrera asombrosa en este libro de cuentos ilustrado que inspira con la biografía de la abogada, profesora, legisladora, y líder de derechos civiles. Aún como niña criándose en el Quinto Distrito de Houston en Texas, Bárbara Jordan se destacó por su voz potente, valiente, radiante, clara, fresca, y segura. Era una voz que causaba que la gente se sentara atenta, se enderezara y tomara nota. ¿Qué haces con una voz así? Bárbara...

Un día en el zoológico (Day at the Zoo) (Spanish Version)

Libro Un día en el zoológico (Day at the Zoo) (Spanish Version)

Practice nonstandard measurement at the zoo! This exciting, Spanish-translated title encourages readers to practice measuring their favorite zoo animals, such as elephants, giraffes, pandas, and more. A gorilla weighs the same as three men! When a cheetah runs, its stride length is the length of three men! An elephant weighs the same as three pickup trucks! Vivid images, fun practice questions, early STEM themes, and helpful mathematical diagrams make nonstandard measurement entertaining and easy for children to understand.

Se Contar

Libro Se Contar

One dog in a teacup, two caterpillars on a leaf, three horses having a conversation... Fun photographs and simple text help introduce young readers to counting numbers from zero to ten. A fish-counting activity encourages young readers to practice their counting skills.

Hipatia de Alejandría

Libro Hipatia de Alejandría

Un canto a la libertad, el amor y la amistad. Este libro recrea la vida de Hipatia de Alejandría, una figura capital de la antigüedad y protagonista del filme Ágora, de Alejandro Amenábar. Estuvo versada en filosofía, matemáticas y astronomía, pero su clase magistral para la historia fueron su sed de vida y de conocimiento, así como el valor y la entereza para defender sus ideales de convivencia y tolerancia. Hipatia fue un espíritu libre, una voz incómoda a causa de la férrea voluntad de llevar una vida plena como mujer sin pedir perdón por ello, aunque debiera pagar por ello el...

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