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Leyendas del Atletico de Madrid

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Libro Leyendas del Atletico de Madrid

The history of soccer teams is usually narrated with a succession of data surrounding the vicissitudes of the club itself, its leaders and coaches and the conquests and defeats harvested on the playing fields but, on many occasions, the real protagonists are left out: the footballers. Leyendas del Atlético de Madrid aims to recover, for the fans of this sport in general and Atlético de Madrid in particular, the vital and professional trajectory of some of the men who over more than a hundred years have built the future of the red and white club. The men who, with their effort, their dedication and their sporting quality, have magnified the history of this mythical club. With this story the new generations of fans will have the opportunity to know who those players were and how they came to defend one day the shirt of their team. 110 legends of Atlético de Madrid... 110 players from all eras... 110 biographies illustrated with hundreds of unpublished images and magnificent infographics of the most important stadiums, the most emblematic line-ups and the evolution of the sports kits. A completely updated work, essential to know in depth the most legendary sportsmen of one of the most traditional soccer clubs in Spain.

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  • Miguel Ángel Guijarro


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