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Nacimiento, vida y muerte / Birth, Life and Death

Resumen del Libro

Libro Nacimiento, vida y muerte / Birth, Life and Death

Tackling two of the fundamental questions of humanity—on the one hand, the natural, instinctive search for daily health and well-being, and on the other, the cultivation of a spiritual dimension—this study argues that in both cases it's necessary to address birth, life, and death profoundly and concretely. Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, one of the world's leading teachers of the Dzogchen tradition, which seeks to restore an individual to his natural or primordial state, begins by explaining the characteristics of the human organism as they are understood by traditional Tibetan medicine. He proceeds to analyze birth, discussing issues such as the secondary causes that determine a baby's sex and the different constitutions of a child. The section on life shows how an understanding of the three doors of the organism—body, voice, and energy—can lead to better physical, mental, and spiritual health. A final section on the topic of death evaluates human reactions toward this inevitability and offers an illuminating guide, based on the teachings in the Bardo Thodol, or the Tibetan Book of the Dead, for the change of state that abandoning the physical body entails. This book is not solely intended for Dzogchen practitioners or followers of Tibetan Buddhism, but for anyone who seeks alternatives paths toward health and well-being.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : Segn la medicina tibetana y la ensenanza dzogchen / According to Tibetan Medicine and the Dzogchen Teaching

Número de páginas 248


  • Chögyal Namkhai Norbu


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