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Puntos de partida: An Invitation to Spanish

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Libro Puntos de partida: An Invitation to Spanish

Take a fresh look at Puntos – it’s everything you wanted and more than you hoped for. Puntos has offered more than a million students a solid foundation to their language studies. The new edition of Puntos maintains its pioneer approach of the development of all four skills with a strong grammar and vocabulary foundation, as well as the teacher tested activities. The new design of Puntos brings to this program the best tradition of excellence and outstanding instructor support adaptable to different teaching and learning styles. Puntos , the most successful Intro Spanish program ever, is now: breaking new ground to meet the changing needs for face-to-face, hybrid, and online Spanish programs. offering students more opportunities to develop their communication skills via TelePuntos, a new integrated video program with corresponding in-text and digital activities. innovating through LearnSmart, a first-of-its-kind adaptive learning system within McGraw-Hill Connect, adjusts to the learning needs of every student This new edition of Puntos provides students with all of the necessary tools to take their second language acquisition from the classroom into their daily lives in an efficient and personalized way. With Connect Spanish, the exclusive digital learning platform from McGraw-Hill, students have access to Mundo interactivo, an immersive, story-based world where they experience the thrill of mastering relevant, task-based communication scenarios in real-world contexts. Also, with synchronous and asynchronous video chat functionality, students can easily engage in communication practice online. Additionally, McGraw-Hill and Blackboard® have teamed up to simplify the instructor and student digital learning experience! McGraw-Hill allows you to manage your course content, assignments, assessments, and grades all from within your institution’s existing Blackboard environment. Puntos – it WILL take you there! *Connect Spanish, including but not limited to the workbook/lab manual, LearnSmart, the video program, and chat tools, is sold separately and does not come automatically with the purchase of the textbook.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Número de páginas 672


  • Ana María Pérez-gironés
  • Anne Becher
  • Thalia Dorwick


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