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La vida marina (Sea Life)

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Libro La vida marina (Sea Life)

From tide pools to the ocean, the sea is filled with amazing life forms! Early readers will be engaged from beginning to end with informational, Spanish-translated text, vivid photos, and a picture glossary of marine animals.

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Número de páginas 20



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Libro Casos extremos de luz solar (Living in Sunlight Extremes) eBook

Imagine getting ready for bed when the sun is still shining, or eating lunch when it’s dark outside. How are such things possible? Learn how people in places such as Alaska, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, and Canada cope with days and days of sunlight and darkness. Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this STEAM book will ignite a curiosity about STEAM topics through real-world examples. It features a hands-on STEAM challenge that is perfect for makerspaces and that guides students step-by-step through the engineering design process. Make STEAM career connections with career...

Máquinas creativas (Creative Machines)

Libro Máquinas creativas (Creative Machines)

A Rube Goldberg machine is designed to perform a simple task through a series of elaborate steps. These simple machines are named after Reuben “Rube” Goldberg, an American cartoonist, engineer, and inventor. Learn how these fun machines work and ignite a curiosity about STEAM topics! Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this informational text features a hands-on STEAM challenge that is perfect for makerspaces. Make STEAM career connections with career advice from Smithsonian employees working in STEAM fields. Perfect for school reports and projects, this Spanish...

Chicas y chicos malos del Lejano Oeste (Bad Guys and Gals of the Wild West)

Libro Chicas y chicos malos del Lejano Oeste (Bad Guys and Gals of the Wild West)

Robbery, gunfights, murder--outlaws ran rampant all across the Wild West! Readers will be introduced to some of the most famous robbers and outlaws of the Wild West in this enthralling, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. With vivid images, informational text, and incredible facts and stories about such well-known figures as Billy the Kid, Butch Cassidy, and Jesse James, readers will be engaged from cover to cover!

Tu mundo: Sombreros: Clasificar (Your World: Hats: Classifying)

Libro Tu mundo: Sombreros: Clasificar (Your World: Hats: Classifying)

Count, sort, and classify the dress-up hats, cowboy hats, and silly hats! Beginning readers will enjoy learning to classify and sort objects with this brightly illustrated Spanish book. Featuring vivid images and easy-to-read text, this full-color book develops students' math and reading skills and introduces them to early STEM themes. The Math Talk section includes questions that will increase understanding of basic math and reading concepts and develop students' speaking and listening skills. Learning math is fun and easy with this engaging text!

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Libro Rosalinde tiene ideas en la cabeza

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